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Revision as of 10:06, 19 September 2020

Conservation laws are important theoretical findings in physics. But what do conservation laws mean in general? They state that a physical quantity always remains constant in a closed system. The closed system is described as a system on which no forces act. In addition to the discovery of the quantum of action h, an important conservation law brought Max Planck the Nobel Prize: The conservation of energy! These conservation laws can be transferred to reactions. In chemistry, for example, the mass conservation law says that the mass that the substances have before the reaction is the same in addition as the product after the reaction, the Lomonossow-Lavoisier law. This can be imagined in terms of the law of conservation of momentum. A car has a speed of 100 km / h and a mass of one ton. If it now encounters resistance and is braked abruptly, the impulse must be converted. It is not lost, but changes into a deformation impulse that wrecks the car.

Conservation laws have always been very fascinating because they are very symmetrical.  If one applies, for example, the Conservation of Energy to the universe or to the Big Bang theory, one sees that the energy must have remained constant over time.  Since there was probably no energy before the Big Bang, the energy of the universe must be constant 0.  As a result, there is always a negative energy for every positive energy, so that they balance each other out when added.  The same applies to the mass, there must be positive and negative masses, otherwise the mass conservation law postulated by me would be wrong.
My contribution to already known conservation laws:
- Conservation of energy
- Law of conservation of momentum
- Frequency conservation law
So here is my contribution to new conservation laws, namely the conservation laws of the basic quantities.
- mass conservation law
- Space conservation law
- Time conservation law
More comments:
- Velocity conservation law